GALECO has been a leader in its' industry, specialised in developing and manufacturing of roof guttering assortment and as family company present on the Polish market since 1996.

The innovation philosophy and constant search to upgrade the product has been the key pillars of GALECO's business strategy since its' foundation. Vision, passion and success focusing combined with work ethics and respect both to employees and customers create our brand attributes. ROOFGUTTER product line is a significant part of GALECO's DNA. With experienced team and deep knowledge provided, we create trends in the business by our own, not awaiting the competition to express.


Szczepan Buryło

Full of commitment and enthusiastic. Always one step ahead of the competition. Loyal to business partners and customers. Creating innovative and groundbreaking produtcs to meet the most demanding needs of our cutomers. Looking for solutions that will change the modern roofs' architecture for years.



ul. Uśmiechu 1
32-083 Balice, k/Krakowa